
Nerve Tumours UK

‘The ‘Ratios’ campaign utilised a series of infographics to help the general public understand the shockingly low proportion of specialist nurses to patients, thereby raising awareness of, and support for, Nerve Tumours UK. We produced creative for print, press, web, digital and social.


‘Neurofibromatosis is a relatively unknown genetic disorder, and this lack of awareness means that there is very little support available to Nerve Tumours UK, one of the only charities working with people who have the condition. The purpose of the ‘Ratios’ campaign was to drive donations, through a strong message that clearly demonstrated the limited resources of Nerve Tumours UK.


A series of infographic-style posters that helped viewers relate to the scale of just one specialist nurse to over 2,200 patients.


We produced three creative routes utilising planes, trains and buses to visually represent the number of patients a single specialised Neurofibromatosis nurse is tasked with supporting. We adapted the creative for each type of media required and produced a 30-second YouTube video as the primary campaign asset.


Over 245,000 impressions on YouTube, with 243 ‘Donate’ button clicks and donations off the back of campaign. The Meta campaign reached over 200,000 people, with 5,399 clicks. Charity Director Karen Cockburn said of the campaign, “I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all that you are doing for the charity. The ads look fantastic, I have seen them on Manchester Piccadilly station this week, and they are so eye-catching.”

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