Let’s winter. Let’s flybe.


A channel-first creative campaign to increase awareness of flybe’s winter schedule.


  1. To raise awareness of flybe as a regional airline across their Belfast and Birmingham hubs and the rest of the network.
  2. To drive regional conversion for key routes with a flexible campaign platform that enabled multiple destination executions.


Post-lockdown, there has been an increased desire for spontaneity. Consumers are seeking out ways to experience moments of joy – even in the colder winter months.


A channel-first campaign built around an engaging film for YouTube pre-roll, destination focused Meta campaigns and Google Responsive Display, all featuring targeted messaging to support ongoing paid search, supported by proactive PR stories, eCRM and owned social activity.


During the three-month campaign, we saw:
– Over 42,000,000 impressions
– Over 1,000,000 views
– 261,576 link clicks
– Almost 50,000 conversions
Responsive Display formats saw an average £1.34 cpc vs. £81 industry average, with the 8.69% conversion rate also soaring above the 0.51% industry average.
Combined cost per ticket sale was under £5 per ticket sold (incl. all media spent).


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