Electric/Hybrid car event Q3 2021
A powerful responsive campaign with persuasive results

PEUGEOT Business ran a Car Event throughout July & August 2021, targeting potential business users looking to purchase an electric/hybrid car. Each retailer had to plan for their event and include local marketing to encourage footfall and engagement.
Digital Strategy
Responsive display ads receive 50% more conversions than standard display ads. They use Google’s machine learning to optimise the best combination of creative and ad copy for each audience. They also automatically resize for each possible placement enabling us to maximise reach across native and non-native placements, without having to create dozens of different ads and dilute our data for optimisation.
We created a Google responsive display media package to promote every PEUGEOT Retailer’s Business Electric/Hybrid Car Event. Using creative from the national electric campaign, retailers were given a choice of packages to promote either the e-208 & e-2008 or the 3008 Hybrid & 508 Hybrid.
Campaigns were optimised to drive traffic directly to each retailer’s landing page within their own retailer sites. They were encouraged to host detailed information on how potential customers could attend their local Business Car Event.
During the 7-week period, each retailer had over 600,000 impressions, over 3,000 clicks and a CTR rate from as low as 8 pence, so overall the campaigns ran extremely well for every retailer, driving traffic and engagement to their own websites.
“I have to say your marketing complimented our new website…the digital enquiries are very strong across all channels. It will take me time to gather exact data but we are easily running at 200+% of pre pandemic levels.
Whilst I realise COVID has accelerated the digital leads it is clear that also the quality of the leads have improved dramatically as well.”
Gary Bowers
Director, Hamble Motors