Reporting and insights

Unlock the power of digital insights for business growth. In today’s fast-paced digital world, your business needs to be one step ahead. Digital insights have the potential to revolutionise the way you connect with your audience and optimise your marketing campaigns. We combine creative brilliance with meticulous data analysis to deliver unparalleled results.

Our offering

At the heart of each campaign, digital consumer insights reveal what truly resonates with your target audience. Their behaviours, preferences, and interactions with digital content are goldmines of information. Tailoring your marketing efforts using these insights does more than simply improve engagement – it increases conversion rates, improves customer loyalty, and drives sustainable business growth.

More about reporting and insights

Digital insights

At the heart of each campaign, digital consumer insights reveal what truly resonates with your target audience. Their behaviours, preferences, and interactions with digital content are goldmines of information. Tailoring your marketing efforts using these insights does more than simply improve engagement – it increases conversion rates, improves customer loyalty, and drives sustainable business growth.

Here's how digital advertising insights transform ordinary campaigns into extraordinary success stories:

  • Real-time data at your fingertips: We scour the latest trends to understand the marketplace, so you can make informed decisions swiftly.

  • Consumer behaviour decoded: By analysing how users interact with your digital presence, we provide actionable insights that shape messaging, design, and overall strategies.

  • Customisable strategies for every platform: We help you maximise your impact, whether it's on social media, search engines, or digital billboards.

  • Innovative creative solutions: Our 'creative-first' approach ensures that every strategy is fertile ground for innovation, guaranteeing your brand stands out.

Before finalising any strategy, insights in digital marketing inform our decisions, ensuring every campaign hits home with precision. Our approach has consistently reaped rewards, energising businesses from diverse sectors.

Bespoke reporting dashboards

We can provide bespoke insights through a state-of-the-art, real-time online dashboard which provides the transparency and real-time information to help drive your business forward. Unique to our clients, using multiple data sources. We have invested in tools that set us apart from your average agency for measurement, planning and tracking campaign performance.
Similarweb Enterprise Partnership allows us to track up to 98% of UK users browsing behaviours, interests, habits and every word they type into their devices.

YouGov gives us Nat Rep sample data and custom research opportunities to track sentiment, response, awareness and knowledge of your brand.

LiveRamp allows us to build data driven audiences from this data and use them across paid social and paid digital placements. 

RBH are specialists in modelling data, from offline and online conversions in the attribution model that matches your KPIs. From sentiment analysis, and brand recall studies, to conversions from a Facebook ad, we've got it covered.

Campaign reporting

Navigating the digital landscape requires a reliable compass, and for marketing professionals across the spectrum, from bustling SMEs to grand enterprises, that compass is data. Robust campaign reporting and sophisticated reporting dashboards are beacons illuminating the path to success.

Modern marketing is about smart, data-informed decisions. With our solutions, you're not just running campaigns, you're mastering them. Here's how we enrich your marketing mix:

  • Real-time performance monitoring: Say goodbye to guesswork. Our reporting dashboards offer a real-time view of your campaign. Adjust and pivot with confidence.

  • Customisable reports: Your brand is unique, and so are your reporting needs. Tailored reports that resonate with your specific objectives, whether it's user engagement, conversion rates, or ROI.

  • Cross-channel analysis: Aggregate data from all your marketing channels in one space, ensuring that no insight is left unexploited.

  • Creative integration: Data doesn't have to be dry. Our solutions are steeped in creativity.

Talk to us about reporting and insights today

We’re more than a service provider. We’re here to empower businesses of all sizes with a blend of creativity that drives tangible results. RBH is a true business partner.

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